Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Any decent piece of software has a help menu. Sometimes the help menu is hidden on the bottom of the screen or in the index. Learning how to navigate help menus can be your greatest tool for staying Texually Positive. Empower yourself by being a master of most any software program by teaching yourself how to use it through the help menu!

First pic a software application that you are already comfortable working in. This may be Microsoft Word or Excel, Google Docs, or even Google+.

Finding the help menu is often the most difficult part about using a help menu. There have been times, when I could not find the link at all in the application, and Google searched for it.

Most help menus are arranged in two ways. First by topic, like an index, and the second, using a search box to sort though the index. When learning how to use a help menu, I suggest starting from the beginning of the index and reading it through.

Help menus have come a long way. They are interactive, and intuitive. Some include problems to solve, and test your proficiency in what you just learned. There are others that have step by step video instructions. If you are having a hard time grasping a concept, you can always research and get more help by looking up the topic on YouTube.

I cannot stress the value of reading and using help menus. I recommend learning on an application that you are already comfortable with, because you WILL be AMAZED to discover things YOU DIDN'T KNOW you could do!

Software applications are always evolving. A LOT OF PROPRIETARY SOFTWARE, are simply MS Office programs on STEROIDS. I bet most you don't know that MS Outlook can be customized to look however you would like. Run a puppy business, and want to have entry fields about which puppy shampoo you need to use on your client? Yes, you can do that on MS Outlook, and export the information into spreadsheets. That is just one example. MS Navision is a program I use often, and that is a perfect example of people paying TENS OF THOUSANDS too much on a "template" based on Excel.

This is why I encourage everyone to be texually active!


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