Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Entry Level Social Media Jobs

Google+ is taking over! When I am planning a night out, I often research and Google to make sure I know where I am going, and see if there are any reviews. Google is linking everything. A few months ago, I Googled for directions to this grocery store. I noticed that someone tagged them with the comment to instruct people to shop at the store next to theirs. I posted about this on Google+ and tagged King Kullen. I never received a reply from them, AND they never took it down.

Companies are SO FACEBOOK TRAPPED, and are missing the entire Google+ ship!

What other things are companies missing?
How about the point, that when anyone who is following me does a Google search and it is something I have posted about, my post comes up towards the top of their search. That is 15,000 people who want to know my opinion first. That is pretty amazing.

I love it, because the people I circle have posts of information that are far more relevant to me, than the usual Google search results.

If you are serious about breaking into the pool for paid social media positions, you need to start building your resume now. A few tips:

1 - Check your profile, and make sure it is acceptable for an employer to creep. Typos are not a big deal. What is a big deal . . . the temperament in your posts. Remember these people dropping in to see your profile do not know "who you are." Employers are looking to see if you are real, honest, down to earth, fold well in to the company culture and identity.

2 - The smaller your following, the more important each person is. If you have a following of less than 300 people, you need to look through them to be sure that they all accurately reflect you. A following of 300 is easy for a recruiter to creep.

3 - Create a Google+ Page for your business! If you don't have a business, create one for a hobby or philanthropy. Grow your page, and grow your resume at the same time. Once again, keep in mind that your page should be employer appropriate. If you live in Colorado, a page for medical marijuana use is completely acceptable. However, same page based out of New Jersey may not be looked at so favorably.

4 - Create a Google+ Community, or Moderate in a reputable one. There are already paid community moderators on G+, but they are kept secret. People don't want other people to know what they are paying for. I have been ghost writing for years. This means, people pay me to write something for them, and never get credit for it. They get to use my work as their own. The ghost writers are coming to social networks. They are building followings and then NOT DISCLOSING when they are paid for their comments etc. We just have to accept that this IS PART of the culture.

5 - Create a BLOG and learn how to publish your BLOG to your Google+ Page.

6 - Extra credit . . . create a YouTube channel and learn how to navigate it.

You are already ahead of the pack. You are on Google+ learning this social platform at your own pace. Every time you see a website, or company promoting to LIKE them on FB or FOLLOW them on Twitter, or Pintrest, or Instragram . . . and G+ is missing . . .you know . . . there is an opportunity for you! You are in the KNOW! I am here to happily assist any of you as you peruse a career in social media and hope you call upon me if you need any help :)



Any decent piece of software has a help menu. Sometimes the help menu is hidden on the bottom of the screen or in the index. Learning how to navigate help menus can be your greatest tool for staying Texually Positive. Empower yourself by being a master of most any software program by teaching yourself how to use it through the help menu!

First pic a software application that you are already comfortable working in. This may be Microsoft Word or Excel, Google Docs, or even Google+.

Finding the help menu is often the most difficult part about using a help menu. There have been times, when I could not find the link at all in the application, and Google searched for it.

Most help menus are arranged in two ways. First by topic, like an index, and the second, using a search box to sort though the index. When learning how to use a help menu, I suggest starting from the beginning of the index and reading it through.

Help menus have come a long way. They are interactive, and intuitive. Some include problems to solve, and test your proficiency in what you just learned. There are others that have step by step video instructions. If you are having a hard time grasping a concept, you can always research and get more help by looking up the topic on YouTube.

I cannot stress the value of reading and using help menus. I recommend learning on an application that you are already comfortable with, because you WILL be AMAZED to discover things YOU DIDN'T KNOW you could do!

Software applications are always evolving. A LOT OF PROPRIETARY SOFTWARE, are simply MS Office programs on STEROIDS. I bet most you don't know that MS Outlook can be customized to look however you would like. Run a puppy business, and want to have entry fields about which puppy shampoo you need to use on your client? Yes, you can do that on MS Outlook, and export the information into spreadsheets. That is just one example. MS Navision is a program I use often, and that is a perfect example of people paying TENS OF THOUSANDS too much on a "template" based on Excel.

This is why I encourage everyone to be texually active!


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Texual Electricity

When was electricity discovered? When did we learn how to harness it and use it? How many years ago was that? 

This is the best timeline I could find to share with you. I would like to know:
How old do you think you will be when you die?
How many years ahead do you plan?
What invention would you love to see in your lifetime?

Many times people tell me that I am crazy for thinking that things like world peace, or free energy are possible. Look at the discoveries in this timeline. This about how these people were received by their peers. 

What would have happened if Ben Franklin harnessed the lightening and said it a gift from Zeus. Just saying . . .
Think on it. 

Timeline of Electronics

600 B.C.

Thales of Miletus writes about amber becoming charged by rubbing - he was describing what we now call static electricity.


English scientist, William Gilbert first coined the term "electricity" from the Greek word for amber. Gilbert wrote about the electrification of many substances in his "De magnete, magneticisique corporibus". He also first used the terms electric force, magnetic pole, and electric attraction.


Otto von Guericke invented a machine that produced static electricity.


Robert Boyle discovered that electric force could be transmitted through a vacuum and observed attraction and repulsion.


Stephen Gray's discovery of the conduction of electricity.


Charles Francois du Fay discovered that electricity comes in two forms which he called resinous(-)and vitreous(+). Benjamin Franklin and Ebenezer Kinnersley later renamed the two forms as positive and negative.


Georg Von Kleist discovered that electricity was controllable. Dutch physicist, Pieter van Musschenbroek invented the "Leyden Jar" the first electrical capacitor. Leyden jars store static electricity.


Benjamin Franklin experiments with static charges in the air and theorized about the existence of an electrical fluid that could be composed of particles. William Watson discharged a Leyden jar through a circuit, that began the comprehension of current and circuit. Henry Cavendish started measuring the conductivity of different materials.


Benjamin Franklin invented the lightening rod - he demonstrated lightning was electricity.


Joseph Priestley discovered that electricity followed Newton's inverse-square law of gravity.


Italian physician, Luigi Galvani demonstrated what we now understand to be the electrical basis of nerve impulses when he made frog muscles twitch by jolting them with a spark from an electrostatic machine.


First electric battery invented by Alessandro Volta. Volta proved that electricity could travel over wires.


First energy utility in US founded.


Relationship of electricity and magnetism confirmed by Hans Christian Oersted who observed that electrical currents effected the needle on a compass and Marie Ampere, who discovered that a coil of wires acted like a magnet when a current is passed thorough it.
D. F. Arago invented the electromagnet.


First electric motor invented by Michael Faraday.


Ohms Law written by Georg Simon Ohm states that "conduction law that relates potential, current, and circuit resistance"


Joseph Henry's electromagnetic experiments lead to the concept of electrical inductance. Joseph Henry built one of the first electrical motors.


Principles of electromagnetism induction, generation and transmission discovered by Michael Faraday.


First industrial electric motors.


First fuel cell invented by Sir William Robert Grove, a Welsh judge, inventor and physicist.


J. P. Joule's law of electrical heating published.


James Clerk Maxwell wrote equations that described the electromagnetic field, and predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves traveling with the speed of light.


Edison Electric Light Co. (US) and American Electric and Illuminating (Canada) founded.


First commercial power station opens in San Francisco, uses Charles Brush generator and arc lights. First commercial arc lighting system installed, Cleveland, Ohio.
Thomas Edison demonstrates his incandescent lamp, Menlo Park, New Jersey.


First power system isolated from Edison.
In Grand Rapids Michigan: Charles Brush arc light dynamo driven by water turbine used to provide theater and storefront illumination.


Niagra Falls, New York; Charles Brush dynamo, connected to turbine in Quigley's flour mill lights city street lamps.


Edison Company opens Pearl Street power station.
The first hydroelectric power station opens in Wisconsin.


The electric transformer is invented. Thomas Edison introduces the "three-wire" transmission system.


Steam turbine invented by Charles Parsons.


William Stanley develops transformer and Alternating Current electric system. Frank Spraguebuilds first American transformer and demonstrates use of step up and step down transformers for long distance AC power transmission in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. TheWestinghouse Electric Company is organized. 40 to 50 water powered electric plants reported on line or under construction in the U.S. and Canada.


In San Bernadino, California, the High Grove Station, first hydroelectric plant in the West is opened.


Rotating field AC alternator invented by Nikola Tesla.


Oregon City Oregon, Willamette Falls station, first AC hydroelectric plant.
Single phase power transmitted 13 miles to Portland at 4,000 volts, stepped down to 50 volts for distribution.


60 cycle AC system introduced in U.S.


General Electric Company formed by the merger of Thomson-Houston and Edison General Electric.


Westinghouse demonstrates "universal system" of generation and distribution at Chicago exposition.
In Austin, Texas, the first dam designed specifically for hydroelectric power built across Colorado River is completed.


Electron discovered by J. J. Thomson.


Highest voltage transmission line 60 Kilovolt.


5-Megawatt turbine for Fisk St. Station (Chicago).


First successful gas turbine (France). World’s first all turbine station (Chicago). Shawinigan Water & Power installs world’s largest generator (5,000 Watts) and world’s largest and highest voltage line—136 Km and 50 Kilovolts (to Montreal). Electric vacuum cleaner. Electric washing machine.


John Ambrose Fleming invented the diode rectifier vacuum tube.


in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan the first low head hydro plant with direct connected vertical shaft turbines and generators is opened.


In Ilchester, Maryland, a fully submerged hydroelectric plant is built inside Ambursen Dam.


Lee De Forest invented the electric amplifier.


The first pumped storage plant is opened in Switzerland.


Ernest R. Rutherford measured the distribution of an electric charge within the atom.


Willis Haviland Carrier disclosed his basic Rational Psychrometric Formulae to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. The formula still stands today as the basis in all fundamental calculations for theair conditioning industry.
R. D. Johnson invents the differential surge tank and Johnson invents hydrostatic penstock valve.


Electric refrigerator is invented. Robert Millikan measured the electric charge on a single electron.


Hydracone draft tube patented by W. M. White.


First U.S. station to only burn pulverized coal is opened.
Federal Power Commission (FPC) is established.


Connecticut Valley Power Exchange (CONVEX) starts, pioneering interconnection between utilities.


Construction of Boulder Dam begins.
Federal Trade Commission begins investigation of holding companies.


Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) established.


The Public Utility Holding Company Act is passed. The Federal Power Act is passed. The Securities and Exchange Commission is established. The Bonneville Power Administration is established.
The first night baseball game in major leagues is played made possible by electric lighting.


Highest steam temperature reaches 900 degrees Fahrenheit vs. 600 degrees Fahrenheit in early 1920s.
287 Kilovolt line runs 266 miles to Boulder (Hoover) Dam.
The Rural Electrification Act is passed.


The transistor is invented .


The first 345 Kilovolt transmission line is laid.
The first nuclear power station ordered.


The first high voltage direct current (HVDC) line (20 megawatts/1900 Kilovolts, 96 Km).
The Atomic Energy Act of 1954 allows private ownership of nuclear reactors.


The Clean Air Act is passed.


The Northeast Blackout occurs.


The North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) is formed.


The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 is passed.


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is formed. The Water and Environmental Quality Act is passed. The Clean Air Act of 1970 is passed.


The Clean Water Act of 1972 is passed.


Brown’s Ferry nuclear accident occurs.


The New York City blackout occurs.
The Department of Energy (DOE) is formed.


The Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) is passed, and ends utility monopoly over generation.
The Power Plant and Industrial Fuel Use Act limits the use of natural gas in electric generation (repealed 1987).


The Three Mile Island nuclear accident occurs.


The first U.S. windfarm is opened.
The Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act establishes regional regulation and planning.


PURPA ruled unconstitutional by Federal judge.


U.S. Supreme Court upholds legality of PURPA in FERC v. Mississippi (456 US 742).


Annapolis, N.S., tidal power plant—first of its kind in North America (Canada) opened.


Citizens Power, first power marketer, goes into business.


Chernobyl nuclear accident (USSR) occurs.


Clean Air Act amendments mandate additional pollution controls.


The National Energy Policy Act is passed.


ISO New England begins operation (first ISO). New England Electric sells power plants (first major plant divestiture).


California opens market and ISO. Scottish Power (UK) to buy Pacificorp, first foreign takeover of US utility. National (UK) Grid then announces purchase of New England Electric System.


Electricity marketed on Internet.
FERC issues Order 2000, promoting regional transmission

Friday, October 18, 2013

#K10Ad Theory - My Answer To Life After Death

#K10Ad Theory

Energy exists. It never begins or ends, it only transforms.
Star Trek Halo Deck powered by peoples thoughts.
When people think (pray) for the same thing they create a "Heaven Deck."
When people start to think (pray) something different they create an alternate "Heaven Deck."
Eventually when no one thinks about the previous "Heaven Deck." That program ends. No thoughts to power it.

The #K10Ad Theory validates every God Theory ever in existence.

While this does not explain why we are here or what our purpose is; it does provide an answer.
You can accept the #K10Ad Theory as your new belief.
You can use the #K10Ad Theory to bring people from different belief systems together.


How Far Have We Come!

I am almost 37.
I first started to explore technology in elementary school.
My dad gave me and brother an Intellivision and Pong game from radio shack. 
Oh that Intellivision with the skins that you would slide in and out.
My school had a computer before I did at home.
By the time I was in middle school introduction to computers was a required class.
Oregon Trail!
At home we just changed from a typewriter to a word processor. 
Can still hear the loud banging when it was printing.
My HS Biology teacher told the class that in our lifetime children will no longer carry books.
That teacher said that children will go to school with hand held computers. 
I believed him, but still it sounded impossible to imagine.
When I went to college, I pledged.
We ran around the hallways dragging those word processors so we could work on projects. :-) 
The college had a huge computer lab, and free email.
In the dorms, only about 20% of the people I knew had a computer. 
Post college, and in the workforce I needed to know both Word Perfect and MS Office.
I took one adult education course in MS Office at a local community college and was set.
I have never had any issue finding employment because of my computer skills.
Today almost everyone I know has a computer.
I can talk or video chat with someone around the world in real time, for FREE.

I see two people emerging on our planet: Texual and Non-Texual.

Texual people see that human beings have been building idea upon idea, and rapidly making improvements to sustain our world. While Non-Texual people see technology as an intrusion. 

Think of life as a 100 story building. Each floor is a year of your life. We all start on the bottom floor, and we grow into each new floor. Floor number 37 looks totally tech crazy to me. I plan on being there. It is my choice. I could decide to stay on floor 36, but I want to do more, share more, and be more than I am today. I must continue to grow as a human. There are horrible things happening to humans, being done by other humans, and Texually Active Humans are going to have to find a way to fix it all.

You heard me right, the Texually Active Humans HAVE to find a way to fix ALL THE WORLD'S PROBLEMS before the non-texuals with trigger happy hands mess this entire world up for all of us. 

Yes "all the world's problems!" I can hear my mother now saying, "Kristen you can't solve all the world's problems, just focus on you and what you can change."

Well here is the thing . . . I never thought I would feel this good and be this healthy at this age. I never thought my mind would process things the way that it does. I never thought I would feel so much outrage when I read an article, from a place on Earth I have never been to; where people I have never met, are being enslaved. That is NOT OKAY!

In lieu of a laundry list the world's problems, I ask you to take a moment to pause and think of your own.

People don't trust the mainstream media. Why should they? Today on G+ you can find thousands of different editorial writers. People are searching for the truth. 

Texually Active Humans see the big picture through the internet. We see where we have come from and where we are going. We understand that language is a barrier, and words can mean different things to different people. We start with binary and build from there. We understand relevance. When asked to check ourselves; we will.  We admit when we are wrong when proven wrong.  

Now there are two sides of the force. I chose to speak of the force because it is something that people relate to. Those of us on the light side, know that with knowledge comes responsibility. Every day I see people waking up to the conclusion that we are all human. 

When I was little I was Chinese and oriental. Eventually I became Oriental and Korean. Then I was American Korean. Today I am Human, from Earth living in America, my ancestors are from Ireland and Korea.

If you are Texual, you believe that being human means putting human beings first.

What is everyone fighting for in the world? GOD & RESOURCES

The ANSWER "The #K10AD Theory"


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Encore Post: EARTH TECHNICIANS - A New World to Share with Our Children


It is time to change the way we think. It is time to stop saying that we want to LEAVE a better world for our children, and start to think we want a better world NOW to SHARE with our children. 

As I immerse myself in Google+ each day I am realizing that I am changing from my friends. I am different, because I am experiencing communication with so many different people at a much higher rate than any non-G+er. It is equivalent to taking a crash course in communications, tech, science, politics and religion all at one time. Summer camp is possibly the best example. You go to camp one way, and at the end you know you are a little different. The relationships you made changed you, for better or worse, but changed all the same.

My friends don't understand Google+ and the POWER that the PEOPLE on it are giving it. Just like the Bible, it is NOT the BOOK that gives it the power, it is the people. Google+ is developing its own culture. We have our own virtual society. You are in it right now reading this. You may have been following me for a while, never spoken to me, or maybe you just happened across this post through a share, but here are my thoughts left open for you. I throw it out there, prepared to be ridiculed, challenged and hopefully understood by both those who agree and those who disagree with my posts.

There is a new culture emerging all over the world. Social Media is our global consciousness. As I connect with more of you from around Earth, I realize we are essentially the same. Many of us are on the same journey striving to be the most COMPLETE human we can be. Balanced in areas of the mind and the body. No longer trying to understand the AFTERLIFE, but actively working on THIS LIFE.

Our eyes are open. Some of us believe in GOD with every ounce of our being, while others of us believe that humans are the ALPHA and the OMEGA. We can collaborate on projects and produce win win situations. Then we can retire to our private spaces and live our very individual present.

I am an EARTH TECHNICIAN! I live and breath technology because I know that it is the key to world peace and my own inner peace. I explore my mind and my body and also explore the world around at a much more efficient rate than I ever could as a child. Gone are the days when I must run to the library to research a subject in books that have no quality control on them. On Google+ we QA each other. We fact check posts, and we call each other out on our posts! This is not BAD. This is GOOD. We are challenging the way each of us thinks, and discovering NEW ANSWERS to AGE OLD QUESTIONS.

Earth Technicians are those of us who are riding the tech wave, and use it in every part of our life so we can make our lives easier. While others enjoy their life just as it is and do not want change or evolution. We the Earth Technicians want to do less AND produce more.

Technology lets me produce more. Take something so simple like people who enter orders at a desk. How many times have you heard about people who are sitting waiting for their computers to catch up. These people are skilled in using the devices, and are processing faster than their device. They just need a simple ram upgrade!
My fellow Earth Technicians, we are a New Light Age. We are the future NOW. We are accessing information faster than we imagined possible. We aren't dying as soon as we all expected. We are living younger lives for much longer. The flower children are still around and vibrantly living their lives. Shall we ask them what failed? Why no one gave peace a chance? Maybe they didn't have the technology to support their goals. Maybe their message was diluted or misrepresented by media?

My "prime directive" as an Earth Technician is "WORLD PEACE."

Like many of you, I believe we have to start at home. In our everyday lives, we live a peaceful live (excluding rush hour). Then we extend this peace to our neighbors, and our community. Through the G+ Network I know that there are other people on Earth who are Earth Technicians like me! I hope they are working on peace in their corner of the world too.

With open social media networks like G+, we can unite like minded people, and have organized movements. When we move as a group, we can make our presence known. Look at the power of the flash mob! You can't get 10 neighbors to show up at a town hall meeting, but several thousands of strangers who have never met before can learn a routine, and show up at the same time to preform it. Technology unites us and makes us strong.

I was always taught to respect the past, and tradition. We learn from the past. We don't want to make the same mistakes over and over again. Yet, that seems to be all we do. It is time to LET GO. I know this is not easy. We need to format our minds. We need to start fresh all over the world.

Now that I have made friends from all over Earth, and see the vision of one Earth, one race, one love . . . I WILL NOT turn away from it. The Earth is my front yard and my back yard. You can not HIDE from HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY behind your FLAGS!

Given these facts: I am what I feed my mind and I am what I feed my body.
If I feed myself bad things, I will be bad.
If I feed myself good things, I will be good.
If we feed the world bad things, it will be bad,
If we feed the world good thing, it will be good.
What do you want to feed yourself?


This post was inspired mostly by a "debate" I watched happen yesterday between two people who I respect on Google+. It made me realize, that we have so much more understanding that has to happen.

Encore Post on Texual Tuesday . . . the

We discuss the issues with those who will share their thoughts. It is a scary thing sharing your own thoughts. Some say that the USA is the model of FREEDOM. In some ways we are, but in other ways I feel people look at us like they remember their winning team in 1940! I hear the chants now "1776!"

Two hundred and thirty seven years ago we were arguing over the same issues that we do today. That amount of time doesn't seem so long when you think about it in terms of lifetimes. The way I view my lifetime is very different then when I was a child. I used to think by the time I was 55ish I would be looking at retiring and hopefully have another 20 years of leisure life some place warm. By the time I was in college I realized I am going to work a lot longer than 55, and maybe live to 100. I just added an entire new lifetime into my plan.

My parents worked for the same company as long as they could, until each company went under, and they started fresh again. My parents worked many jobs in between jobs. We did what we had to, and focused on our own so we could survive. We didn't think about solving the worlds problems. We just focused on our country.

Today we are so intertwined with our neighbors all over the world. We have huge questions in front of us. These questions will not be answered until enough of US, have met and accept WHO WE ARE AS INDIVIDUALS.

Many people are shape-shifters. They alter who they are, and their opinions based on the company they are with or the success they think they will find with their "STAGE NAME." They are great at sound bytes and regurgitating other peoples views. They are "SPEAKERS," who don't recognize THEIR OWN VOICE.

I truly believe the founders of the United States of America came to the same conclusion that we are all coming to today. That our country is founded on ideals, and we need to clarify what those ideals are. This is why the declaration of independence is written in the very emotionally charged way it is.

Debating is necessary. Freedom of speech supports the ideal that we are each individual and can express our person any way we choose. Debating is an art form. This starts with listening, then understanding, then responding. When we debate facts, anyone can take any position, research and present a case. When we debate emotion, all rules are off, and we have to be willing to say, "It may not seem right to you, but it is to me, and I stand behind what I say, until I decide otherwise." That is our FREEDOM.

First we have an ideal like a seed. We then create rules to uphold and enforce those ideals. We have an entire garden of ideals. Healthcare is considered a basic human right by some people, and others feel it is a privileged. This healthcare seed, always gets worked on above the surface. Even if we chop it off at the base, the root of the plant will continue to grow. People will argue every little detail about a proposal, tear it apart leaf by leaf, but they do not get the root. Our ideals are now a garden overrun with DANDY-LIONS.

My ideals that I held on to for the first part of my life, were not my own. They were the ones I grew up with. It took a lot of time of me being miserable to understand that I didn't know my own voice. If I don't know my own opinion on whether healthcare is a basic human right, then how can I weigh in on any debates about it? We are after all debating the ideology of a society, which should reflect the individuals. However, I consistently observe people debating ideas with no consistent ground to stand on.

When you are debating with someone who is out of touch with their own ideas, you will not get anywhere burying them in links and rhetoric. You can do society a favor and recommend that they figure out what they think is right and their plan to get us there.

My opinion of what was a basic human right changed when I changed my own point of view. I changed my point of view, because the world I live in today is insanely different then the one I was in as a child. People don't know their own opinions (like the pro-lifer who supports invitro OR the pro-choice who is against gay adoption or marriage).

We cannot think of things as country exclusive anymore, the internet has given us a global consciousness. We need to do individual work on ourselves, so we can play nice in the sandbox. I would love to see my government pass black and white laws about our position on basic human rights in a simple way (not by having to research precedents to find a ruling.)

1) USA English is the Official Language (One language to unite us.)
2) Any government document from this point forward must be written in a way that a panel of 5th graders can read through it and understand it.
3) Position Statements. These statements are used as the reference guide to make decisions by. These statements are voted on by the people and can be revised when the time calls for it. This would also give the United States a cleared definition of who we are and what we want. I have to believe we are more than a bunch of parrot chirping all the time.
4) LIVE GOVERNMENT WEBSITE FEEDS. All meeting everywhere that are public given by an elected official must be recorded and accessible and unedited for the public. We must have accountability.

I truly love you all, and Google+ for giving me this platform to SHARE my IDEALS


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Moore's Law and The Texual Revolution

I was always under the impression that Moore's Law stated that processing power will double every 2 years. However, when I tried to cite this for you through Websters, their definition said every 18 months. This makes me question two things:
1) The accuracy of what I know to be true.
2) The accuracy of anything I find online.

Yes we are living in the TEXUAL REVOLUTION. Technology is everywhere, and you have to decide if you are plugged or unplugged. No one will judge you for choosing a life without any texual activity. You prefer to be unplugged, it is ok.

Well, okay, we are all humans, and we judge each other. So I was sugar coating it. People will judge you. People will laugh at you and poke fun similar to the way people make fun of the Amish. I am trying to give you a little reality check.

I know, we are so advanced, how could anyone compare modern times to the Amish?

Amish people do not sew their clothes. They use straight pins to hold the fabric together.

Unplugged people do not electronically file anything. They use actual paper file folders and file cabinets. Some unplugged people rent additional storage to hold their papers.

Those of us who are plugged in, were not only using more advanced technology a decade ago, but today the gap between how far we were ahead of the unplugged then, to how far we are ahead of the unplugged now, is mind blowing!

Back in the day when I was losing my texual virginity, I was searching for data, and emailing. Today, I handle almost all of my person to person contact via the internet. I also handle almost all of my person to business contact via the internet as well. I also, can track other people. Find local sales based on the place I am standing. Set up anyone I know with webcams, and remote into their homes to give them tech support whenever I want.

I can turn my home into a completely automated and integrated system. This means things like, unlocking the front door upon approach. Controlling my thermostat in my home, from my phone, while I am at the office. The Texually Frustrated will probably call a big company to come in and make them a "SMART HOME." While the Texually Active, will figure out how to do it themselves, and buy all the parts wholesale, and complete the project for 1/10th what the Texually Frustrated pay. Seriously!!!!

Scheduling a family can be really hard. By moving your schedule to Google Calendar, you are able to set permissions for each person who views it, and set up notifications and reminders. The Texually Active never miss a birthday or special day.

The Texual Revolution is upon us. We are processing information twice as fast every two years (or less). This means that we as humans are able to gather more information at a faster rate and evolve our own thinking.

The Texually Active come in all shapes and sizes. We are ALL GREEN. We understand that there is a living planet that we share. Texually Active people care about the integrity of information. Arguments based on logic and fact will rule all Texual people. We also understand emotions and feelings, but they are kept in check. We know the more we streamline our actions and our thoughts, the more we are able to do. That is the benefit of being Texually Active anyway . . . doing as much as possible whenever, wherever and however, we want.  The Texual Revolution is freedom :)

Over the next few weeks I will be sharing with you soem of my Texual Secrets. Please feel free to ask questions and comment. I will be selecting topics based on your responses.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The G+ Spot

The Texually (tec-u-ally) Active are well aware of the power of G+. This open social network really encourages making new connections. Like all amazing things, it can be exciting, overwhelming, fun, and sometimes very frustrating.

The hardest part of G+ is remembering that we are each individual. Our own wants and needs really determine what our individual G+ Spot is. Sometimes you may need a hand discovering your G+ Spot, and that is when someone with more texual experience can help.

The Texually Active (TA's) are like universal remotes. They are fluent in many areas of technology and can apply a procedure used in a huge manufacturing plant, and transition those to a small home business.

If you are a member of the Texually Frustrated (TF's), you need to pair up with as many TA's as possible. You can never have too many TA's in your contacts. You also need to remember that not all TA's are the same. They each have their own style, and specialty. With so much variety in the market, it is easy to assume that all TA's are the same. They are not. If you hook up with a TA, and it doesn't work, just move on.

Here is the thing, TA's are in high demand. The information that they provide gratis to their friends, can easily be invoiced at $100 an hour. If you have a TA in your circles, stay engaged with them. Don't let them get away!

TF's need to remember a couple of precautionary things before engaging in Texual Activity.
1) Never disclose your personal information with a stranger. NEVER.
(Recommendations are great, but still proceed with caution. You have no idea who the last person they interfaced with, or logged into . . . who knows if they used any protection or what they last downloaded.)

2) Location Settings OFF on EVERY DEVICE and in EVERY APP
If your location settings are on, on any device, in any app, there is a good change I can find you with minimal effort. Ever chat with someone on a messenger with location setting while they were driving? Real time updates to location settings are creepy. Once you know how they work, you may decide to turn them back on.

Most software have a HELP menu or section. A search window or index with a search box is customary. Type in your question using industry terms and you can easily start to troubleshoot. If you don't know the TA Vocabulary, start on Google Search first, and type your question in "quotes."

Thank you all for helping get Texuality up and running!

Texulality - For the Texually Frustrated & Texually Active

Yes I am a girl and I can get away with it . . . so why not have a blog for the Texually Active? 

Tech is spreading into every aspect of our lives. It is the secret weapon that allows people to cover twice as much ground in half the time.

From what I have found online, it looks like people have been using this word to mean "Sexting" or "Texting and Sex." You and I are bringing new meaning to this word.

Tech Geeks who know how to make Tech Sexy!

Texuality.blogspot.com will feature editorials from me, and featured blogs from my friends on G+.

Are you texually active?
Please let me know if you would like your profile or your website/blog added to my recommended lists.

#k10texuality = To suggest something for me to check out. 

Sexuality & Texuality have a lot of similarities . . .

  • Personal Choice
  • Different Operating Systems
  • Countless Apps
  • Virus Protection
  • Male and Female Parts
  • Connection Problems Could Be Anywhere
  • Closeted Issues
  • Fear of Inexperience 
  • Marginalized Issues
  • Software
  • Hardware
  • Polyamory
  • Transition
  • Please feel free to add more to the comments! I need ideas for my meme's!

Always use protection!