I first started to explore technology in elementary school.
My dad gave me and brother an Intellivision and Pong game from radio shack.
Oh that Intellivision with the skins that you would slide in and out.
My school had a computer before I did at home.
By the time I was in middle school introduction to computers was a required class.
Oregon Trail!
At home we just changed from a typewriter to a word processor.
Can still hear the loud banging when it was printing.
My HS Biology teacher told the class that in our lifetime children will no longer carry books.
That teacher said that children will go to school with hand held computers.
I believed him, but still it sounded impossible to imagine.
When I went to college, I pledged.
We ran around the hallways dragging those word processors so we could work on projects. :-)
The college had a huge computer lab, and free email.
In the dorms, only about 20% of the people I knew had a computer.
Post college, and in the workforce I needed to know both Word Perfect and MS Office.
I took one adult education course in MS Office at a local community college and was set.
I have never had any issue finding employment because of my computer skills.
Today almost everyone I know has a computer.
I can talk or video chat with someone around the world in real time, for FREE.
I see two people emerging on our planet: Texual and Non-Texual.
Texual people see that human beings have been building idea upon idea, and rapidly making improvements to sustain our world. While Non-Texual people see technology as an intrusion.
Think of life as a 100 story building. Each floor is a year of your life. We all start on the bottom floor, and we grow into each new floor. Floor number 37 looks totally tech crazy to me. I plan on being there. It is my choice. I could decide to stay on floor 36, but I want to do more, share more, and be more than I am today. I must continue to grow as a human. There are horrible things happening to humans, being done by other humans, and Texually Active Humans are going to have to find a way to fix it all.
You heard me right, the Texually Active Humans HAVE to find a way to fix ALL THE WORLD'S PROBLEMS before the non-texuals with trigger happy hands mess this entire world up for all of us.
Yes "all the world's problems!" I can hear my mother now saying, "Kristen you can't solve all the world's problems, just focus on you and what you can change."
Well here is the thing . . . I never thought I would feel this good and be this healthy at this age. I never thought my mind would process things the way that it does. I never thought I would feel so much outrage when I read an article, from a place on Earth I have never been to; where people I have never met, are being enslaved. That is NOT OKAY!
In lieu of a laundry list the world's problems, I ask you to take a moment to pause and think of your own.
People don't trust the mainstream media. Why should they? Today on G+ you can find thousands of different editorial writers. People are searching for the truth.
Texually Active Humans see the big picture through the internet. We see where we have come from and where we are going. We understand that language is a barrier, and words can mean different things to different people. We start with binary and build from there. We understand relevance. When asked to check ourselves; we will. We admit when we are wrong when proven wrong.
Now there are two sides of the force. I chose to speak of the force because it is something that people relate to. Those of us on the light side, know that with knowledge comes responsibility. Every day I see people waking up to the conclusion that we are all human.
When I was little I was Chinese and oriental. Eventually I became Oriental and Korean. Then I was American Korean. Today I am Human, from Earth living in America, my ancestors are from Ireland and Korea.
If you are Texual, you believe that being human means putting human beings first.
What is everyone fighting for in the world? GOD & RESOURCES
The ANSWER "The #K10AD Theory"
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