It is time to change the way we think. It is time to stop saying that we want to LEAVE a better world for our children, and start to think we want a better world NOW to SHARE with our children.
It is time to change the way we think. It is time to stop saying that we want to LEAVE a better world for our children, and start to think we want a better world NOW to SHARE with our children.
As I immerse myself in Google+ each day I am realizing that I am changing from my friends. I am different, because I am experiencing communication with so many different people at a much higher rate than any non-G+er. It is equivalent to taking a crash course in communications, tech, science, politics and religion all at one time. Summer camp is possibly the best example. You go to camp one way, and at the end you know you are a little different. The relationships you made changed you, for better or worse, but changed all the same.
My friends don't understand Google+ and the POWER that the PEOPLE on it are giving it. Just like the Bible, it is NOT the BOOK that gives it the power, it is the people. Google+ is developing its own culture. We have our own virtual society. You are in it right now reading this. You may have been following me for a while, never spoken to me, or maybe you just happened across this post through a share, but here are my thoughts left open for you. I throw it out there, prepared to be ridiculed, challenged and hopefully understood by both those who agree and those who disagree with my posts.
There is a new culture emerging all over the world. Social Media is our global consciousness. As I connect with more of you from around Earth, I realize we are essentially the same. Many of us are on the same journey striving to be the most COMPLETE human we can be. Balanced in areas of the mind and the body. No longer trying to understand the AFTERLIFE, but actively working on THIS LIFE.
Our eyes are open. Some of us believe in GOD with every ounce of our being, while others of us believe that humans are the ALPHA and the OMEGA. We can collaborate on projects and produce win win situations. Then we can retire to our private spaces and live our very individual present.
I am an EARTH TECHNICIAN! I live and breath technology because I know that it is the key to world peace and my own inner peace. I explore my mind and my body and also explore the world around at a much more efficient rate than I ever could as a child. Gone are the days when I must run to the library to research a subject in books that have no quality control on them. On Google+ we QA each other. We fact check posts, and we call each other out on our posts! This is not BAD. This is GOOD. We are challenging the way each of us thinks, and discovering NEW ANSWERS to AGE OLD QUESTIONS.
Earth Technicians are those of us who are riding the tech wave, and use it in every part of our life so we can make our lives easier. While others enjoy their life just as it is and do not want change or evolution. We the Earth Technicians want to do less AND produce more.
Technology lets me produce more. Take something so simple like people who enter orders at a desk. How many times have you heard about people who are sitting waiting for their computers to catch up. These people are skilled in using the devices, and are processing faster than their device. They just need a simple ram upgrade!
My fellow Earth Technicians, we are a New Light Age. We are the future NOW. We are accessing information faster than we imagined possible. We aren't dying as soon as we all expected. We are living younger lives for much longer. The flower children are still around and vibrantly living their lives. Shall we ask them what failed? Why no one gave peace a chance? Maybe they didn't have the technology to support their goals. Maybe their message was diluted or misrepresented by media?
My "prime directive" as an Earth Technician is "WORLD PEACE."
Like many of you, I believe we have to start at home. In our everyday lives, we live a peaceful live (excluding rush hour). Then we extend this peace to our neighbors, and our community. Through the G+ Network I know that there are other people on Earth who are Earth Technicians like me! I hope they are working on peace in their corner of the world too.
With open social media networks like G+, we can unite like minded people, and have organized movements. When we move as a group, we can make our presence known. Look at the power of the flash mob! You can't get 10 neighbors to show up at a town hall meeting, but several thousands of strangers who have never met before can learn a routine, and show up at the same time to preform it. Technology unites us and makes us strong.
I was always taught to respect the past, and tradition. We learn from the past. We don't want to make the same mistakes over and over again. Yet, that seems to be all we do. It is time to LET GO. I know this is not easy. We need to format our minds. We need to start fresh all over the world.
Now that I have made friends from all over Earth, and see the vision of one Earth, one race, one love . . . I WILL NOT turn away from it. The Earth is my front yard and my back yard. You can not HIDE from HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY behind your FLAGS!
Given these facts: I am what I feed my mind and I am what I feed my body.
If I feed myself bad things, I will be bad.
If I feed myself good things, I will be good.
If we feed the world bad things, it will be bad,
If we feed the world good thing, it will be good.
What do you want to feed yourself?
This post was inspired mostly by a "debate" I watched happen yesterday between two people who I respect on Google+. It made me realize, that we have so much more understanding that has to happen.
There is a new culture emerging all over the world. Social Media is our global consciousness. As I connect with more of you from around Earth, I realize we are essentially the same. Many of us are on the same journey striving to be the most COMPLETE human we can be. Balanced in areas of the mind and the body. No longer trying to understand the AFTERLIFE, but actively working on THIS LIFE.
Our eyes are open. Some of us believe in GOD with every ounce of our being, while others of us believe that humans are the ALPHA and the OMEGA. We can collaborate on projects and produce win win situations. Then we can retire to our private spaces and live our very individual present.
I am an EARTH TECHNICIAN! I live and breath technology because I know that it is the key to world peace and my own inner peace. I explore my mind and my body and also explore the world around at a much more efficient rate than I ever could as a child. Gone are the days when I must run to the library to research a subject in books that have no quality control on them. On Google+ we QA each other. We fact check posts, and we call each other out on our posts! This is not BAD. This is GOOD. We are challenging the way each of us thinks, and discovering NEW ANSWERS to AGE OLD QUESTIONS.
Earth Technicians are those of us who are riding the tech wave, and use it in every part of our life so we can make our lives easier. While others enjoy their life just as it is and do not want change or evolution. We the Earth Technicians want to do less AND produce more.
Technology lets me produce more. Take something so simple like people who enter orders at a desk. How many times have you heard about people who are sitting waiting for their computers to catch up. These people are skilled in using the devices, and are processing faster than their device. They just need a simple ram upgrade!
My "prime directive" as an Earth Technician is "WORLD PEACE."
Like many of you, I believe we have to start at home. In our everyday lives, we live a peaceful live (excluding rush hour). Then we extend this peace to our neighbors, and our community. Through the G+ Network I know that there are other people on Earth who are Earth Technicians like me! I hope they are working on peace in their corner of the world too.
With open social media networks like G+, we can unite like minded people, and have organized movements. When we move as a group, we can make our presence known. Look at the power of the flash mob! You can't get 10 neighbors to show up at a town hall meeting, but several thousands of strangers who have never met before can learn a routine, and show up at the same time to preform it. Technology unites us and makes us strong.
I was always taught to respect the past, and tradition. We learn from the past. We don't want to make the same mistakes over and over again. Yet, that seems to be all we do. It is time to LET GO. I know this is not easy. We need to format our minds. We need to start fresh all over the world.

Given these facts: I am what I feed my mind and I am what I feed my body.
If I feed myself bad things, I will be bad.
If I feed myself good things, I will be good.
If we feed the world bad things, it will be bad,
If we feed the world good thing, it will be good.
What do you want to feed yourself?
This post was inspired mostly by a "debate" I watched happen yesterday between two people who I respect on Google+. It made me realize, that we have so much more understanding that has to happen.
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