Monday, December 16, 2013

Auto Signatures REMOVE THEM

Automatic signatures on your smartphone, email, or other devices, advertising your device specs or manufacturer name, is NOT a good thing.

Most smartphones come with an auto signature enabled on the phone.
This usually says something like:
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy
Sent from my iphone

Many people have a certain amount of borderline psychotic brand loyalty. Remember every interaction with every potential customer counts. People and their device loyalty is equivalent to sports and car fanatics. The rivalry between Boston and New York baseball fans is similar to the one between Android and Apple.

Just because you love your phone, does not mean that everyone does. Chances are that many people you interact with, will have a different phone than you. People will start to formulate an opinion of you before you even meet.

When I see a stock auto signature it tells me two things:
1 - This person does not know how to remove the signature. They are NOT computer savvy.
2 - This person does not use the same device as me.

Sure any objection can be overcome, but why risk stacking the deck against you? We are human, and when humans have to make decisions, we weigh the options. When two identical options appear before us, we sometimes resort to picking petals off a flower to make a choice.

My basic tip for the day is to please remove the manufacturer loaded auto signature from your devices. Think of it like pulling the size stickers or hang tags off your clothes. YES IT LOOKS LIKE THAT TO THE REST OF US.

Side Notes for the Texually Inexperienced:
Android is an operating system (software) for Smartphones. A variety of smartphone hardware manufacturers use Android (Samsung, LG, HTC, and many more.)

Apple is a manufacturer of both hardware and software. When comparing we look at Android verses IOS (the Apple operating system).

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